Hi! My name is Marc, and this is my corner of the internet.
I like programming, old school scene stuff, reverse engineering, security, microcontrollers, automotive diagnostics, not using Javascript, and probably everything in between.
From time to time I try to blog about random things.
If you want to talk to me, you can always write me an email. Please use OpenPGP when possible, my key is 0xE2C0FB4261B32407. Alternatively, you can find my Threema ID in the header.
Project - Modern, compact and cross plattform C++ network/sockets library under heavy development
Project - Small, modern header only URI parsing library for C++
Project - Some tools for manipulating Valheim game files.
Blog - A rundown of the BEST2 instruction set, work in progress
Project - Better reimplementation of my BEST2 Virtual Machine, this time in C++17
Project - Disassembler project for the proprietary BEST2 Instruction set
Project - Open source, lightweight replacement for Razer Synapse
Paper - Hijacking an embedded, statically linked python interpreter in an external process under win32.
Project - A Virtual Machine implementation capable of executing BMW's proprietary BEST2 instruction set.
Project - An (incomplete) emulator for the server of Perfect World, a MMORPG.
Project - My second OpenGL engine. Written in C++.
Project - My first OpenGL engine, written in Object pascal (Delphi).
Project - Detour for dumping the decrypted packages recieved by the client of Perfect World, a MMORPG.